

Antebellum Son...Last of the Era...Isaac Marion

The Marietta Journal
Friday, November 14, 1919
On last Friday evening, Mr. I.M. Pittman died in Wesley memorial Sanitarium in Atlanta, following an operation.  Mr. Pittman was taken very sick at his home here three weeks ago, and everything was done for him that could be done.  Two weeks before he died, he was carried to Atlanta for an operation and treatment, but all efforts to save his life failed, and he died Friday evening October 7th. 

Mr. Pittman had been a resident of Cobb county all his life, and he lived here for the past ten years.  He was a strict member of the Methodist church; had served as steward most of his life since he moved here ten years ago, and a more faithful man we never knew.

Mr. Pittman was twice married, first to Miss Lela Hooper, of Riverside; to them were born four sons:  Daniel Wayman, who was killed in France in July, 1819:  Alfred, who was killed in a railway accident in October, 1917;  Lex and Edgar, who survive him.

Thirteen years ago he was again married to Mrs. Addie Babb, of this place.  Four children were born unto them; Marion Babb, 12 years old;  Helen, nine years old; Mamie, seven, and little Addie, five.  Their mother died when little Addie was three weeks of age.  Mr. Pittman was a man of noble character.  He had many trials, but never complained, always looking on the bright side of life.  As a neighbor we will miss him greatly, as we never lived by a better one.  His church will miss him, as his seat in church and Sunday School was never vacant.  The funeral was held at Howell cemetery, near Riverside, conducted by Rev. F.E. Jenkins.  A large concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives attended.
Headstone inscription...Our father has gone to a mansion of rest.  To the glorious land by the Deity blest.

Finding Isaac's obituary in the Genealogy Bank Historical News Archives was well worth the time spent scrolling and clicking through any and all Pittman related articles published in both large and small town Newspapers.  The Marietta Journal writer of Isaac's obituary wrote so personally about Isaac that everyone who knew him back in 1919 would be saying, "Amen".  They would be comforted knowing everything was done to save him.  As neighbors and friends, they would be sympathetic and caring to and for Isaac's children.  I know, as Isaac's great great niece, I am comforted and appreciative for all that was written in this extraordinary obituary about an extraordinary ancestor. (notice date of death in obit is different from headstone.  Obit date same as on death explanation for discrepancy)

As for his early life at the end of the Antebellum Era and the following years of the Civil War, Isaac would have lived it as did his siblings whose stories have been recounted in previous posts of 'Generation 4'.  Of his family, we learned from the obituary that he had two marriages and nine children.  It was written there of the trials he endured with the death of his wife *Lela, the tragic deaths of his sons **Daniel and ***Albert and the heartbreaking death of wife ****Addie not long after the birth of their daughter 'little Addie'.  And yet, he still was admired for 'looking on the bright side of life'.

We also learned that he was a good and faithful servant to his church and a neighbor and friend who was held in high esteem by all who knew him.  So thank-you, obituary writer and The Marietta Journal for the personal and caring attention to Isaac and his family.  In addition to The Marietta Journal, the Cobb County Times published the obituaries of Isaac's Family members denoted by the *asterix's in front of their names...which follow.

*Lelia - Marietta Journal, August 30, 1990, In Memoriam.  "How peaceful and how powerful is the grave."  We are reminded of the truth of the above by a melancholy event that occurred in Austell, Cobb county, Ga., Aug. 10, 1900.  I refer to the death of Mrs. Leila Hooper Pittman.  Death is sad in the old, but it seems doubly so when the young are called away.  Mrs. Leila Hooper Pittman was born and reared to young womanhood near Mableton, Cobb County, Ga., and was the daughter of Elder and Mrs. T.M. Hooper.  Here in a quiet country home surrounded by fond parents, loving brothers and sisters, she passed most of life, a favorite with all who knew her.  At school, church and social meetings she was a welcome visitor.  In 1887 she joined the Christian church and remained a faithful member as long as she lived.  In 1892 she married Mr. Isaac M. Pittman of Austell.  she left the parental roof to bless the heart and life of the one she had chosen for a companion.  Of this union five children were born, of which four survive..  As a wife she was faithful, as a mother loving and kind, as a Christian true as a neighbor obliging.  Kind friend, farewell!  On the great Resurrection morn may we meet you and other loved ones who have gone on before, in a brighter, happier world above."

**Daniel - Cobb County Times August 15, 1918 Memorial Service Held for Daniel W. Pittman
Many Attend Services at Macland on Sunday in Honor of First Cobb County Boy To Die in France.  Last Sunday morning at eleven o'clock, hundreds of Cobb county citizens gathered at the Methodist church at Macland to attend the memorial services I honor of Daniel Weyman Pittman, the first Cobb county boy to be killed in action in France.
    The little church was filled to overflowing when Rev. Frank Jenkins, the pastor, began his memorial address, which pulsated the sympathy for the bereaved and loyal friends to our government in this crisis.  Mr. Watson of Dallas, rendered some special music for the occasion.  Daniel Weyman Pittman was the son of Isaac M. Pittman, one of the best known citizens of that community.  Young Pittman was a graduate of the Seventh District A and M College of Macland, and had many friends throughout that section of the county.

*** Alfred - Cobb County Times  November 1, 1917  Alfred Pittman.  Last Tuesday, October 16th, 1917, we all gathered together at Howell's Family Cemetery to pay a last sad tribute to our relative, friend and school-mate Alf Pittman.  Alf was an employee of the Southern Railroad but his old home places is at Riverside.  Friday night he went to his work as usual, bright and cheerful and sometime during the night he was thrown under the train and both legs cut off.  He was sent to the Atlanta Hospital where he received good attention but to no avail.  It was not God's will that Alf should get well for He needed him for a higher and better world.  He was a member of the Methodist Church from his childhood and was just entering into manhood.  He was liked by all who met him.  He leave a father, five brothers, two sisters and a number of other relatives.  so dear friends, let's give him up, for Alf is walking the golden streets of Paradise with his mother, who has gone on several years before, where there is no sad parting or pain.

****Addie - Marietta Journal  October 23, 1914  Mrs. I.M. Pittman Dies At MacLand Sunday Night.  Mrs. I.M. Pittman died at her home in MacLand  Sunday night in her 29th year and was buried Monday afternoon which was the birthday of both of her parents.  Rev. F.S. Hudson assisted her pastor, Rev.T.L. Rutland, in conducting the funeral service.  She was Addie Babb before her marriage and beside her husband she leaves four step children and four little ones of her own, one an infant about a month old who will be called Addie.  There were many relatives and friends from Atlanta and other places as well as neighbors attending the funeral.  She was a niece of Mr. S.C. McEachern, of Marietta and of Mr. John McEachern of Atlanta, and a cousin of Hon. Walter McEachern of Atlanta.  She was in every respect an exemplary woman and was a greatly beloved by many friends.  The pall bearers were her step sons, Weyman, Alfred and Les Pittman, and her cousins, Willis Babb Jr. and William and Sam McEachern.  Many beautiful flowers covered the spot where she was laid to rest.

Find a Grave Memorial Links
Isaac Marion Pittman
Lela Hooper Pittman
Addie Oliver Babb Pittman
Alfred Pittman
Daniel Wayman Pittman