

Colonial Daughter of Liberty

John and Mary Pittman had seven daughters with first born daughter Lucy born in 1750 and seventh daughter Grace in 1773.  With seven daughters and five sons, the Colonial Pittman Family was very interdependent on each other, and like most colonial families, were God-fearing and tight-knit with family life centered around religion and hard work.

Unquestioned obedience was expected of children and their life of working for the good of the family began at a very early age.  Girls were trained by their mothers to help with cooking, gardening and learning how to make soap, candles, clothing and blankets. 

Their education revolved around learning The Bible, and the necessary skills to provide and care for the family.  Boys in particular were taught reading, writing and numbers for the purpose of record keeping for farming and family  interests.

Among the many skills girls learned was spinning, weaving and knitting which were essential to the production of clothing and blankets.  Women and girls hatched, combed and spun flax for thread, and for woolen yarn they separated, cleaned, oiled, carded, combed and rolled the fleeces in preparation for spinning.  Bleached in the sun and dyed with a mixture of herbs and berries, yarn was knit into coarse stockings, caps and woolen fabrics for coats, hats and blankets.

Colonial Pittman Daughter~My 4x Great Aunt 
Lucy Pittman...Born June 4, 1750 in Amelia County, Virginia, second child of John and Mary, brother Buckner was two.  Lucy did not get to be the baby for long as another brother, John Ichabod was born in 1752, and by the time she was four a sister, Mary Ann was born.  As the oldest daughter Lucy was big sister and care taker of her eight younger siblings.

Lucy was a young woman in the pre-Revolution days, and no doubt was influenced by her father and brothers' political views as Sons of Liberty.   Colonial women supported their husbands views and disdain of England by boycotting British goods and forming sewing and knitting groups like the Daughters of Liberty.  It was possibly her involvement in support of the Revolution and her impending marriage that led to her early demise...which is undocumented and therefore purely speculation.

However, it is known that in April 1774, a military uprising in Williamsburg, Virginia called the Gunpowder Alarm became a concern for the Pittman men as members of the Sons of Liberty.  This incident along with the British Crowns Proclamation of 1763, the Currency Act and the Sugar Act set in motion the plans for the First Continental Congress.  The Sugar Act most directly inflamed the sensibilities of colonial women with the heavy taxes on imported household staples as well as textiles and indigo.

At the time, Lucy was engaged to a man whose family was close friends and immigrant travelers on the same ship from England with her grandparents John and Elizabeth Pittman.   Her fiance' was an outspoken and passionate patriot in support of the First Continental Congress which was set to meet in September of 1774.  The couple planned to marry in August and then travel to Pennsylvania arriving in time for her new husband to speak on behalf of the Virginia Sons of Liberty before the Continental Congress.

Although, the couple had known each other all of their lives and were compatible, the marriage uniting the two families would solidify their merging estates and religious beliefs for generations to come.  On the day of the wedding, Lucy sat beside her groom as he drove the team of horses down the rutted road to the frontier church. 

They arrived to a large crowd of happy family and friends who were preparing for the day of celebration when a contingent of British Militia emerged from the surrounding wooded area firing their muskets at the wedding party with intent to kill the Patriot Groom.  He was wounded.  His bride to be fell into his arms and with her last breath declared her love for him.
Lucy died on August 11, 1774...she was 24. 
A historically based creative writing...bride and groom story based on family history research.
Photos:  Spinner...Decoupage Wood Plaque  Colonial Woman...Painted Metal Etching
From the collection of CollectInTexas Gal