

Colonial Americans John and Mary Rowe Pittman

John Pittman and Mary Polly Rowe were married on May 1, 1747 in Buckingham, Virginia where John was born and raised.   Mary Polly Rowe, born in 1730, was the daughter of William and Mary Brough Rowe of Isle of Wrights, Virginia.

For John and Mary, the family was at the center of Puritan godly homes, and they began their married life with Puritan proscribed proper gender roles.

Men were expected to love their wives and provide for her and their children.  Women were expected to be obedient to their husbands, work beside them in the fields, do all of the household work which included everything from cooking to making soap, washing and nurturing their children.

The early years of their marriage were spent in Virginia where their children were born.  Records indicate they migrated through South Carolina and prior to 1770 settled in St. Paul's Parish, Georgia near Kiokee Creek.  Their Plantation home was located in then Richmond County which was later divided and named Columbia County.

Pittman/Carroll/Marley Family Tree on
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John Pittman Profile...HERE
Mary Polly Rowe Pittman Profile...HERE