

Baptist Patriarch Daniel Marshall

Born in Windsor, Connecticut, on August 24, 1706, Daniel Marshall was the ninth child born to Thomas and Mary Drake Marshall, second generation Connecticut Colonials.

Like his father, Daniel, served as a deacon of the First Church of Windsor, one of the nations oldest Congregational churches.  Daniels parents were considered respectable and devoted to the church with their family of eleven children having been raised and educated within the constrictions of the church.  Although, without a formal education, Daniel's Bible education served him well.

In 1742 he married Hannah Drake and they had a son, Daniel Jr. born in 1746.  They settled on Daniel's farm and continued their devotion to the Windsor Church.  Around 1745 a revivalist, George Whitefield, influenced Daniel to become a Separate Congregationalist, a group considerably more evangelistic and charismatic than the establishment Standing Order Congregationalist Churches of Connecticut.  During this time, he established his reputation as a 'Layman Minister' and preached in New York and Pennsylvania.  In 1746 at the age of 29 years, Hannah Drake Marshall died, leaving Daniel a widower at age 40 with an infant son.  (although undocumented, the birth date of her son and her death date give rise to Hannah's death due to complications of childbirth).
In 1747 Daniel Marshall (41) and Martha Stearns (20) were married in Tolland, Connecticut.
The daughter of Evangelist Shubael Stearns, Martha has been credited with her husbands extraordinary success in the ministry for her unwearied and zealous support of her husband and their faith.  Known as a lady of good sense, singular piety, and surprising elocution, Martha Stearns Marshall, became a minister in her own right, although she was never ordained.
From 1754 to 1771 Daniel Marshall ministered in Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, becoming an ordained Separate Baptist leader second in influence only to Shubeal Stearns.  During these years he was a revivalistic and emotional Farmer-Preacher who influenced many others to enter the ministry and assisted in founding Separate Baptist Churches in the above mentioned states.
The Marshall Family moved to Columbia County, Georgia, in 1771, and organized the Kiokee Church with the John and Mary Polly Rowe Pittman Family, who had moved with them each step of the way from Virginia to Georgia.  As the Baptist patriarch in the area, he was a mentor to many young preachers, including James Greene Pittman, son of John and Mary Polly.  The *Pittman and *Marshall Families were united with the marriage of **Lucy Eunice Marshall and **John Ichabod Pittman in 1781.
Daniel Marshall died in Columbia County on November 2, 1784.  He was succeeded as pastor of Kiokee Baptist Church by his son Abraham and later by a grandson, Jabez Pleiades Marshall, Abraham's son.  The Marshall ministerial dynasty lasted sixty-one years, a rare occurance in Baptist circles.  *His estate was deemed considerable with at least 400 acres.  He is noted as the First Baptist Leader in Georgia with many monuments and churches bearing his name still in existence today.
*Reverend Daniel and Martha Stearns Marshall
5xGreat Grandparents
*John I. and Mary Polly Rowe Pittman
5xGreat Grandparents 
**Lucy Eunice Marshall Pittman...4xGreat Grandmother
            **John Ichabod Pittman................4xGreat Grandfather  
*Richmond County, Georgia WILLS 1777-1797
Daniel Marshall ~ Minister of the Gospel.  Wife Martha, eldest son Daniel.  Oldest daughter Eunice having received her part when she married.  The remainder to 'be divided between Daniel, Abraham, John, Zacheus, Levy, Moses, Solomon, Joseph and Mary equally.  Wife Martha, oldest sons Daniel and Abraha, Excrs.  Wit: Zacheus Marshall, Solomon Marshall, Joseph Marshall.
Signed Nov. 20, 1780.  Probated Nov. 23, 1784.
James Sims, Samuel Carledge, Holland Middleton, Levy
Georgia Genealogy Trails 'Where your Journey Begins'
Pittman/Carroll/Marley Family Tree on
 ~ Public ~ Membership required to view.
Rev. Daniel Marshall Profile...HERE
Martha Stearns Marshall Profile...HERE