

Savannah Bartow Pittman...Part I~What's In A Name

Savannah Bartow Pittman was born just after the end of the Antebellum Era's ending date of 1861. 
Born on November 2, 1862 during the American Civil War while her father Rene Marion Pittman was serving in the 7th State Guard Infantry Regiment of Georgia, she was the last of ten children.

Along with her father Rene M. Pittman who enlisted as a Sargent in Company K at the age of 49 years on May 31, 1961, her brothers George Washington Pittman and William Howell, also enlisted in the Confederacy.  While there is not a detailed record of Rene Marion Pittman's battlefield experiences or commanding officers, there is of his son George W. Pittman, and although they served in different companies, both were in the 7th Regiment of Georgia Volunteers.
Documentation in George's service to the Confederacy gives an account of the state of the Civil War in Savannahs first years.  It also sheds light on Savannah's first name and her unusal middle name...Bartow.
Company B was also called the Atlanta Confederate Volunteers. The 7th Regiment, Georgia Volunteer Infantry served throughout the Civil War and in many of its major battles. The regiment was mostly assigned to the Army of Northern Virginia in McCaws Division and Colonel Tige Anderson's Brigade, but also saw time in the Army of Tennessee in 1863.  The 7th Regiment, Georgia Volunteer Infantry fought at the First and Second Battle of Bull Run, Antietam, the Spotsylvania Campaign and surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse at the end of the War. (US Civil War Records and Profiles...The Texas State Cemetery Confederate Veterans)

 The 7th Georgia was a part of the famous "Old Time" or Bartow's Brigade". Colonel Francis Stebbins Bartow was killed on July 21, 1861, leading his brigade at the Battle of First Manassas or Bull Run. Bartow, the Savannah native and politician, was killed in the field near the Henry House and died in the arms of Colonel Gartrel of the 7th Georgia who said that his last words were, "They have killed me but don't give up the fight."

The 7th Georgia suffered heavy losses in this first major battle of the war. After Bartow's death, the brigade command was given to Colonel 'Tige' Anderson of the 11th Georgia. Anderson became a Brigadier General in November, 1862. Bartow's Brigade was composed of the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 11th, Georgia regiments and fought in many major battles including Bull Run, Antetitam, Appomattox and heavily engaged on day two at Gettysburg in the Devil's Den.

The 7th Georgia Infantry was one of the very first Georgia regiments to see combat in the Civil War and it's outstanding record in so many battles with the famous Bartow's and Tige Anderson's Brigade. The survivors of the 7th Georgia held their First Regimental Reunion in Carrollton, Georgia, July 20, 1889. (excerpts from 'Carroll County Civil War Units 1861-1865) 

From family history records and George Washington Pittman's memorabilia, it is believed that he attended the First Regimental Reunion in Carrollton, Georgia.  He was 46 years old, a farmer in Coxes, Cobb County Georgia and the father of nine children.  His sister Savannah Bartow was 27 years old, single and living at home with her mother Mary Anne Howell Pittman. 
Savannah was not the only child of Rene Marion 'Rainey' and Mary Anne Howell Pittman to be named after a prominent public figure and/or historically acclaimed person.  Her brother George Washington Pittman, obviously, was named after the country's first president.   Brother Albert Singleton was possibly named after a local business man who later became a patriot of the Civil War.  This is a subjective conclusion since there were no 'Singleton' names in either parents family histories.  Other brothers, William Howell and Isaac Marion, were named after their prominent citizen grandfather, Isaac Howell.   
In the next generation, that of George Washington's children, the historically acclaimed naming continued with his sons Columbus Chappell and Howell Cobb.  Howell Cobb, named after his great grandfather Isaac Howell and uncle William Howell as well as Thomas Willlis Cobb, US Senator, Congressman and Superior Court Judge from Georgia.  Cobb County was named after him and the county seat of Marietta was named after his wife, Mary.
 What's in a name?  Everything! 
The power of a name and it's value has long been immortalized in
prose, poetry, religious ceremony, our Country's History and our Family History.
Savannah ~ Grassland without trees.
George ~  Farming man.
Isaac ~ One who brings laughter.
Columbus ~ A dove.
Howell ~ Eminent or distinguished.