Savannah Bartow Pittman Brown is my Great Aunt, sister of my Great Grandfather George Washington Pittman. I use her as my 'Ghostwriter' here on Tracks of My Georgia Ancestors for several reasons:
~She was George's youngest sibling.
~She stayed in Georgia when other siblings migrated to Texas.
~I have this photo of her.
Through her as my guide for our Pittman Family in Georgia, it is my intention to present our Kinfolk in a chronologically and historically accurate manner. However, as well documented as some aspects of our Family Research is, there is as much or more hearsay or as Aunt Savannah likes to say, Fictious Facts.
Knowing that, please note this as a 'Disclaimer' for the Authorship of 'Tracks of My Georgia Ancestors' as a Fact Based Fiction Creative Writing....©CITexasGal, all rights reserved.
Inclusion of historical events, people, places, illustrations from Public Domain resources. All other signed or otherwise posted on Tracks of My Georgia Ancestors, Tracks of My Texas Ancestors and CollectInTexas Gal illustrations, charts, photographs, etc., property of Sandra Sue Pittman McPeak, ©all rights reserved.
Among the family names emerging through the mists of time from Holland and Belgium was the ancient posterity of Pittman. The distinguished history of this surname is closely entwined within the colorful tapestry of the ancient chronicles of Britain. Pittmans sailed to North America aboard the Armada 'White Sails' and settled in New England and Virginia Colonies in the mid 1600's.
The focus of this Genealogy Study begins with
John I. Pittman and wife Mary Polly Rowe Pittman,
settlers in St. Pauls Parish, Georgia along Kiokee Creek.
settlers in St. Pauls Parish, Georgia along Kiokee Creek.
As in all Family Trees, there are many branches, stems, twigs and leaves.
This 'Direct Lineage Branch' will follow
John Ichabod Pittman, Jr. (1752-1831)
2nd Son of John and Mary Polly Rowe Pittman
George Washington Pittman (1843-1938)
2X Great Grandson of John and Mary Polly Rowe Pittman.
Sandra Sue Pittman McPeak
Family Historian and Author